Venues & Parking
Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
Box Office/Dance Studio/Classes/Proper

1614 North First Street, Durant, OK 74701
Located on the east side of the street across from Southeastern Oklahoma State University's Gymnasium
General Parking is available on the north and south sides of the VPAC and across the street in the parking lot of the Bloomer Sullivan Arena.
Montgomery Auditorium​
Located in Morrison Hall

1499 Fifth Avenue, Durant, OK 74701
Located in the center of the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University
General Parking is available along 7th Street on the west side of the Math/Science, Library and Administration buildings, behind the Fine Arts building entering from Montgomery Drive, as well as, on the east and west sides of the Welcome Center. Handicap parking is available along the horseshoe of 5th & 6th Streets
Fine Arts Recital Hall
Located inside the Fine Arts Building

437 Montgomery Dr, Durant, OK 74701
Located in the center the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University behind the Morrison Building/Montgomery Auditorium
General Parking is available after 5:00 pm behind the building.
Handicap parking is available along the horseshoe of 5th & 6th Streets
Dell McLain Theatre
New Theatre Building (The Playhouse)

215 Montgomery Drive, Durant, OK 74701
Located in west of the baseball field on Montgomery Drive (corner of Montgomery Drive and First Street) on the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University
General Parking is available along the east and south sides of The Playhouse.